Friday, February 4, 2011


I am having a ball watching our sweet boy actually start playing. Every day is like a new adventure watching him learn new things. I wish I could experience the world through his eyes for a moment. To learn how your hands work, how your fingers work, that you can actually hold things and maneuver them with your hands. Tripp gets so excited when he masters a new skill and he just does it over and over and over again. It's so fun. He relates to the world in true "awe and wonder." DT and I have been watching a parenting DVD series that talks about creating "awe and wonder" for your children so that they see and worship God in everything around them. Tripp is creating awe and wonder for me!!! I am learning to see the Lord in so many things that I normally don't take the time to look for Him. I pray we can begin seeing with wondrous eyes so that we can show Tripp the Lord faithfully. I've taken some really cute pictures that last couple months of him "playing" so I thought I would put them up for everyone to see. Enjoy!

 Feet! He's discovered he can get them all the way to his mouth!

 And he's proud of it!

 The exersaucer has been a source of fun too...and a great occupier of time!

 Could you be any cuter...pretty please???

 Just rolling around on the floor with his soft toys is his favorite thing to do.

 A budding friendship between Tripp and Macy Girl Dog.

 And the "plank"...not sure I'm ready for what comes next!!!

I'm hoping to be better about posting! Thanks for your patience with me.



  1. Great pictures Kellie! I especially like the one with Tripp putting his foot in Macy's face haha. He is adorable :)

  2. Dear Tripp,

    I do believe you are my favorite thing on the planet. Even more than recycling and Fiddler on the Roof.

    auntie k
